Holistic Medicine with The Blonde Injector

Did you know The Blonde Injector is also a Functional Medicine practitioner? Yep, and she has over 19 years of experience. She’s famous in the Fort Myers area for flawless fillers, beautiful Botox and other aesthetic treatments, but there’s a whole other wellness-focused side to The Blonde Injector. 

You’re probably thinking, what is functional medicine aka holistic medicine? Why do we need this type of healthcare and how is it different from other treatments? We’re answering all your FAQs about holistic medicine, right here, right now. 

Who knows. Maybe holistic medicine can solve health problems your primary care physician can’t figure out. Many have found out this is where regular doctors fall short!

What is functional medicine?

Functional, also called holistic, medicine is a whole-body approach to health and disease. It aims to improve overall health and wellness through the body, mind and soul. How? 

Functional medicine focuses on determining the root cause of an ailment rather than just treating its symptoms. Instead of looking at organ systems, like the heart, lungs or nervous system, as separate entities, functional medicine studies how the body functions as a whole.

Usually, holistic medicine combines traditional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). These tests help reveal the root cause of disease and so a true healing process can occur.

How is functional medicine different?

This style of medicine differs because it focuses on three main points. 

  1. Patient-centered care: Practitioners learn patients’ unique stories. One disease can cause a variety of symptoms depending on your lifestyle, health history, and environment, so functional medicine works to understand the bigger picture.

  2. Science-based healthcare approach: Practitioners consider the patient’s history, physiology, and lifestyle that can lead to illness. They consider internal (mind, body and spirit) and external (physical and social environment) factors that affect total functioning.

  3. Combines best medical practices: Functional medicine combines different types of traditional Western medical practices, or “integrative” medicines. It:

    • Focuses on prevention and treatment through nutrition, diet, and exercise

    • Uses the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques

    • Prescribes combinations of drugs and/or botanical medicines and supplements

    • May involve therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, or stress-management techniques

In short, today’s typical physicians prescribe treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the symptom only. These actions don’t always solve and heal the underlying problem. Most practitioners are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet and exercise to both treat and prevent illnesses in their patients.

That’s why we need functional medicine and sometimes, we need to take a holistic approach to preventing, treating, and curing disease. So, what chronic diseases can be treated? Hint: More than you think.

What chronic illnesses can holistic medicine treat?

Functional medicine and a holistic view on health can significantly help larger biological functions. Here are just a few of the many health ailments that holistic medicine can treat:

  • Digestive Issues

    • IBS, Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, GERD, food intolerances

  • Hormonal Issues

    • Hormone imbalances, low libido, adrenal dysfunction, POS, PMS, menopause

  • Thyroid Conditions

    • Hashimoto’s, hyper/hypothyroidism

  • Autoimmune Disease

    • Celiac disease, Grave’s disease, lupus, Type 1 diabetes

  • Mental & Brain Health

    • Stress, burnout, acute anxiety & depression, chronic fatigue, migraines

  • Skin Issues

    • Acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea

  • Cardiometabolic & Respiratory

    • Pre-diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, asthma, POTS, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, high blood pressure

What can I expect from a holistic practitioner?

During your time with Dr. Kamii, DNP, here at THE MED SPA™, she will consider multiple factors. She invests time into learning your environmental inputs, mind-body elements, and genetic makeup to develop the best treatment plan possible.

This is achieved through three basic steps in our Functional Medicine Plan.

STEP 1: Getting to know you & your health

Dr. Kamii, DNP takes the time to get to know you. The more she knows about your health history, lifestyle, genetics, and symptoms, the more we understand what makes you, you.

STEP 2: In-depth testing & analysis

Comprehensive lab work and specialty testing like microbiome, food sensitivity, and cortisol testing gives Dr. Kamii, DNP a deeper look at different aspects of your health to uncover the cause of a persistent symptom.

STEP 3: Personalized health plan

Dr. Kamii, DNP develops a fully tailored health plan which includes recommendations on nutrition and movement, lifestyle adjustments, supplements, and so much more.

Where can I seek holistic medicine in Florida?

You can get a custom, holistic health plan here at THE MED SPA™ in Fort Myers, FL. Dr. Kamii, DNP may be The Blonde Injector, but she’s a Functional Medicine practitioner who is passionate about holistic health and treating patients with the best plans possible. If you want to learn more, book a consultation and we'll discuss if functional medicine is right for you.



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