PRP Growth Factor Therapy fort myers, fl

NAtural beauty
THE MED SPA™ offers a natural way to address wrinkles, sun damage, hair loss, and skin quality with a “liquid gold” that is derived from your body’s own growth factors known as PRP. Growth factors are known as “liquid gold” because of their extremely powerful healing properties that work to promote collagen production and healing in the body.

What is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma is extracted from your blood and rich in cell stimulating nutrients known as growth factors. Potent doses of PRP can be administered directly to the skin to encourage new cell growth, or combined with other cosmetic treatments to improve the healing process and increase longevity. PRP is commonly used in addition to microneedling, hair restoration services, or after injectable treatments.
Treatment Areas
Growth factors can be used as a serum after microneedling or used as an injection to stimulate collagen production and natural healing on the face. It can also be used to reduce the signs of aging by minimizing wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, or laugh lines.
We often forget to treat our neck with the same care as our face and in time, the neck will begin to show visible signs of aging. Growth factors are a natural way to treat sun damage, uneven skin tone, and crepey skin on the neck.
Growth factors can be used as a serum after microneedling or used as an injection to stimulate collagen production and natural healing just about anywhere on the body. It’s especially beneficial to treat scars to minimize their appearance.
Growth factor injections can be used on the scalp to stimulate hair growth. We will first take a sample of your blood and use a centrifuge to separate the growth factors and prepare it for your treatment. We will then inject it into thinning areas of your scalp to promote natural hair growth. This procedure is meant to promote growth in areas that may be thinning out. It’s not meant to resurrect hair in bald areas where the follicle is dormant. Read More.

PRP Skin Rejuvenation Fort Myers, FL
Are you looking to reduce wrinkles and improve skin quality with your own growth factors? Tell us more about yourself and someone will get back to you to schedule a consultation. Thanks for reaching out to THE MED SPA™!