KYBELLa Fat Burn Fort Myers, FL

the Perfect Jawline
The Med Spa™ offers Kybella™ fat reduction in Fort Myers, Florida. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness sometimes referred to as “double chin”. With just a few injections, your double chin will melt away in a matter of weeks!

Common FAQ
Kybella™ is a great option to permanently dissolve fat pockets in many areas of the body like love handles, back, underarms, and under the breast. Sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough to dissolve stubborn pockets of fat in time for bikini season. Kybella™ is designed to do the job!
Kybella is used as an injection, much like Botox or Dermal Fillers (Juvederm, Belotero, Restylane), in the submental/“double chin” region to dissolve fat away and improve the overall contour of the neck and jawline. Traditional methods to treat excess fat in the neck and under the chin require liposuction and/or a neck lift.
Patients with consolidated fat deposits (AKA double chin) under the chin are great candidates for having Kybella. Because Kybella is not intended to remove skin, patients who have a lot of loose and hanging skin (“turkey neck”) are not good candidates for this procedure.
Kybella is a permanent fat dissolving solution to a heavy neck/jawline. Your results depend on the amount of excess fat you have under your chin. Most patients begin seeing results 3-4 weeks post-injection.
Yes! In addition to double chin, Kybella can be used on other small areas of pinchable fat throughout the body, although additional sessions or treatments may be recommended depending on size. Additional treatment areas include
Bra Fat
Back Fat
and Love Handles.
Kybella contains an enzyme that absorbs and burns off fat to create energy in the body. Many patients report feeling a warm, or tingling sensation after treatment as this enzyme begins burning away fat cells.
Once the fat cells are dissolved, they are gone forever! However, fat cells may eventually reproduce in the area, in which case follow-up treatments may be needed.
Treatment Areas
Genetics, diet, and age can play a big part in where we store fat. Unfortunately, the under chin area is one of the first places that fat pockets begin to form giving us a “double chin” look. Kybella™ is the perfect treatment to permanently dissolve these fat pockets with a few treatments over the course of a few months.
The underarm is another common area that accumulates additional fat which can lead to loose, sagging skin. Kybella eliminates fat cells in this area while also toning the skin for a tighter appearance.
Bulges tend to appear around the bra strap area and can be a sore spot for many women. Kybella works to remove these pinchable pockets to smooth out the silhouette and ensure you are swimsuit ready.
Bulges on the back are often overlooked as they can be hidden by clothing, however, these pockets can lead to ill-fitting clothing and other confidence issues. A few sessions of Kybella can help dissolve these fatty pockets in exchange for toned skin.
While love handles have been widely embraced, they aren’t for everyone. If you are looking to smooth your silhouette, Kybella may be the solution you are looking for.

Kybella Fat Burn Fort Myers, FL
Are you looking to reduce a double chin or stubborn love handles but aren’t sure if Kybella is the right treatment for you? Tell us more about yourself and someone will get back to you to schedule a consultation. Thanks for reaching out to The Med Spa™!