3 Ways To Address Sunspots & Hyperpigmentation After Summer
Had a little too much fun in the sun? I won’t judge, trust me; I’m always a sucker for the pure white sand and sparkling waters at our Southwest Florida beaches. And don’t lie, getting that nice, golden glow on your skin feels amazing...until you realize that your skin has incurred a bit of damage over the summer 😩. There definitely is a dark side that comes with tanning (no pun, intended 😁). Before you know it, you’re noticing those dreaded sunspots.
Why Get Your Treatment Now?
With the temperature slowly but surely dropping (if you consider the upper 70’s cold 😉), now is the perfect time for some skin rejuvenation. The fall/winter months are by far the best time to get laser resurfacing; you won’t be out in the sun nearly as much, and any side effects will be relatively tame as a result. Also, it’s worth adding that you obviously will be in some holiday photos 📸. Clear-up your skin now so that you look refreshed for your mom’s obligatory family photo around the Christmas tree.🎄
1. Sublative Skin Resurfacing
This treatment is truly a miracle from God 🙏. Not only is Sublative Rejuvenation able to easily remove those sunspots, hyperpigmentation and acne; it is able to do it in as little as 1-3 sessions (typically less than 30 minutes). Additionally, it will help to tighten your skin and leave a healthier, rejuvenated look. How’s that for killing two birds with one stone?
You might be wondering how this process even works. The Sublative™ RF applicator actually delivers radiofrequency energy to the skin in a safe manner, through multi-electrode pins. The pins then supply RF energy to the skin. Very microscopic sections of epidermis and dermis are thermally ablated in a grid over the skin surface, where non-ablated sections become a reservoir of cells. This whole process ultimately promotes a speedy healing process.
It should also be worth noting that the laser is actually delivered right underneath the skin with very little overheating on the upper layer of the skin. This is a huge benefit to Sublative Rejuvenation. Instead of harming the top skin layer (removing too much of it in most cases), Sublative Rejuvenation is able to go directly through the skin, while keeping the outer layer relatively unharmed. This is a key reason why The Blonde Injector is such a big proponent for this treatment. Your skin has already been through enough!
You can rest assured that the Sublative Laser will work for your skin type, as well! This approach is the only available technology proven that lessens spotting on most ethnic skin types as well. To top it all off, it is pretty rare that this procedure actually requires much down time. In fact, most of my patients are able to resume with their daily activities afterward.
2. Chemical Peel
Depending on the patient and their needs, we sometimes have them come in again 3-4 weeks after the Sublative Rejuvenation procedure. This time we do what is known as a chemical peel procedure (also called chemexfoliation or derma peeling). This treatment is non-invasive, made for all skin types, and utilizes specific treatments for hyperpigmentation, melasma, dark spot, blotchy or scarred skin, dull skin, and large pores. It is made to exfoliate and lighten the skin, with the goal of lifting any existing pigmentation.
You can also rest assured that we will only be removing the dead skin cells resting on top (they needed to go anyways). The damaged and dead skin cells are able to steadily peel off, leaving no blemishes or imperfections. Instead, you will be left with a fresh, healthy glow within about a week or two.
We make it our goal for you to have the least amount of irritation possible from the peeling. Usually the only reported side effects are just the normal itchiness and slight redness that normally come with skin treatments. Dryness and tightness are also to be expected. Dr. Kamii will recommend skincare products to further enhance the positive effects of the chemical peel and speed up your recovery time as much as possible.
3. Maintain Results With ZO® Skincare!
A key part of any skin procedure is maintenance. Our patients have always found the products from ZO® Skin Health to work best for their needs. Made by world-renowned dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, not only do these products provide continued improvement for hyperpigmentation, they also help you keep a healthy PH balance in your skin. As stated on their website, their products are specifically designed for “correcting sun damage and pigmentation + preventing new damage + protecting against future damage.” Now I will give a fair warning. This product is exclusive only to physicians...so yes, you’ll need to be a patient of mine before you can try ZO® 😉.
Am I A Good Candidate For These Treatments?
There’s only one way to find out! 😃Book your appointment now with The Blonde Injector to ensure that you are healed in time for those holiday photos and looking better than ever with a fresh new glow for 2021!