How to Restore Hair with Growth Factors in Florida

Hair loss is natural for many but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Patients come into THE MED SPA™ every day sharing insecurities about their thinning hair and we're happy to help naturally. How? Growth Factor Injections. 🌱💉

Hair loss treatments range from invasive hair implant surgery to Rogaine you can buy at the drug store. They can cost thousands of dollars to a few dollars (you can guess how well that works out). People needed a good in-between. There was a need for a middle-tier, effective, not to mention natural, hair loss solution - until Growth Factor Injections came along.

Many are curious to learn more about this aesthetic treatment and wonder: Are Growth Factor Injections right for me? We're here to break it down. If you're worried about your thinning hair, you don't need to be much longer. Keep reading to learn all about Growth Factor Injections as a Hair Restoration Treatment in Florida. 🌴

What causes hair loss?

Hair loss can be heredity or be an effect of hormonal changes and certain medical conditions. However, 95% of men can blame Androgenetic Alopecia. Andro-what? That's a fancy word for common male pattern baldness (MPB). Anyone can suffer from hair loss on their head, but it is more common in men. 🙇

According to the American Hair Loss Association, by age 35, two-thirds of American men will undergo a noticeable amount of hair loss. By age 50, that stat rises to 85% of men reporting significantly thinning hair.

In short, you're not alone! More and more people each year are seeking out non-invasive hair restoration treatments. Growth Factor Injections are a great solution for men and women experiencing hair loss.

Looking for our male-specific treatments? Learn more here.

What are Growth Factor Injections?

Growth Factor Injections are a modern hair loss treatment designed to naturally stimulate hair growth using your cells. Found naturally within the body, Growth Factors can be easily harvested from your blood. (In a bit, we'll share what to expect from an injection treatment.)

How do Growth Factors help hair loss?

Once injected, Growth Factors bind to the hair follicle. This is the part of the hair that lives under the skin and is responsible for creating new hair. These bound Growth Factors activate other collagen-producing cells and kick your follicles into shape. They promote tissue regeneration and improve overall scalp condition and health. Plus, they spark natural hair growth! We've heard doctors call it the "organic way of treating hair loss.”

What to expect from Growth Factor Injections

Growth Factor Injection Treatment here at THE MED SPA™ begins by taking a sample of your blood. It's then put into a centrifuge to separate red and white blood cells and gather your unique Growth Factors (AKA Liquid Gold). Next, we inject your concentrated serum into the thinning areas of your scalp using a very fine needle. 

It is a non-invasive treatment with no downtime, but there is a bit of discomfort during the treatment. You may experience some tenderness in the injection area, but this is temporary. For maximum results, we do recommend 4-6 treatments and at least 6 months before visible results. You need to give your body time to work its magic!

Am I a candidate for hair restoration like Growth Factor Injections?

Anyone suffering from hair loss can benefit from Growth Factor Injections. We see both men and women, but the success of this treatment varies.

Growth Factor Injections help promote growth in the areas that are thinning out, not already bald. It cannot resurrect hair in bald areas where the follicle is dormant. Some patients use Growth Factor Injections as a preventative treatment to reduce the rate of hair loss.

Where to get hair restoration in Fort Myers, FL

Right here at THE MED SPA™ in Florida! We offer best-in-class Growth Factor Injections for patients from all over the state, plus many other wellness services to help you in your aging journey. Book a consultation and we'll see if Growth Factor Injections are right for you.

Ready to restore your hair the natural way? book a consultation.


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